Lambert Forest Products – Writing MFL and Stewardship Plans
MFL Plans
As defined by the Wisconsin DNR Website, Managed Forest Law (MFL) is a landowner incentive program that encourages sustainable forestry on private woodland. If you are interested in going into the MFL program, you need to fully understand what you are getting into. The MFL program is a state program that allows for a reduced tax rate, provided you adhere to a specific management plan designed for your property.
For more information on Managed Forest Law, you can visit this link:http://dnr.wi.gov/forestry/feeds/faqsFull.asp?s1=ForestTax&s2=MFL&inc=ftax or feel free to contact one of our foresters and they will help you with the process.
Stewardship Plans
Another option for managing your forest can be a Stewardship Plan. A Stewardship plan can provide you with long-term management scheduling without the requirements that the MFL program will have. A Stewardship plan if devised right is eligible for cost sharing itself and will allow you to be eligible for other cost sharing programs as well.